

select option

Test Coverage

Ensuring our code works as intended


We have a few testing methods within the ink ecosystem:

Each uses a different framework so it's important to determine which kind of testing is appropriate for your use case

A note about ink environments

The ink ecosystem contains several environments:

  • Docs: A place for ink users to learn about components, props, and find usage samples and guidelines
  • Exposé: An internal tool used for visual testing
  • Playroom: A prototyping tool that allows users to test ink components simultaneously across a variety of screen sizes

Our end-to-end and visual regression tests both interact with the Exposé environment

Unit Tests

Testing Library is the preferred choice but many tests were written in Jest and Enzyme. Regardless of the library, unit tests are predominantly used to test non-visual component behavior and React hooks.

When to write unit tests

  • To test an individual isolated "unit" of code. Unit tests can be run independent of their test suite, without a need for other "units" to be complete
  • To mock interactions with external dependencies (such as libraries, databases, etc)
  • To test a method's input and output
  • To verify whether a method impacts a component's state

Best practices

Tests for each component should live in a <component name>.spec.tsx file within the same folder of the component

❌ Don't

Don't reference CSS IDs or class names. CSS identifiers of Ink components are subject to change without warning. Majority of our components are now styled which uses a dynamic and unique identifier. Referring to these identifiers in other code, such as unit tests, makes the other code more fragile.

  • Don't use snapshots to test html outputs
  • Don't add a test for test sake! Each test has a purpose

✅ Do

Each test within a suite should test a single function or component behavior. Use selectors that resemble how users interact with the code, such as labels and content text. Read more here or here.

  • Use describe to group tests with similar aspects
    • For example structure, behavior, callbacks, etc
    • One or two words are enough to describe the concept being tested
  • Use it as the test executable but don't use the test keyword
    • Generally a short sentence to describe the expected result of an assertion
  • Use arrange, act and assert pattern to write your unit tests
    • Group statements accordingly with an empty line between them
  • Prefer mount() over shallow()



describe("Button", () => {
describe("structure", () => {
it("should render a button tag", () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Button />);
describe("callbacks", () => {
it("should call prop on click", () => {
const props = { onClick: jest.fn() };
const wrapper = mount(<Button {...props} />);

How to run unit tests locally

To run the entire test suite:

yarn test

To see the tests coverage as well as the tests results:

yarn test:coverage

To run a specific component/test suite, pass a pattern to the command such as the name of a component or the path to the file you're trying to run:

yarn test <pattern>

End-to-end testing

We use Cypress

When to write end-to-end tests

  • To test the execution of a component from start to finish
  • To mimic real-world scenarios and user interactions
  • To test communication between components and the database, APIs, network, and libraries
  • To test accessibility as the engine "sees" the same things that a screen reader would (for the most part)

Best practices

All tests are named as <component name>.cy.js and live within the cypress folder. We use this to replicate expected user behavior and all tests are ran against the Expose environment.

❌ Don't

Don't reference CSS IDs or class names. CSS identifiers of Ink components are subject to change without warning. Majority of our components are now styled which uses a dynamic and unique identifier. Referring to these identifiers in other code, such as unit tests, makes the other code more fragile.

  • Don't test components that are purely visual
  • Don't use for projects that don't render a UI, such as custom hooks

✅ Do

Use selectors that resemble how users interact with the code, such as labels and content text

  • Make assertions and use .should() to do it
  • If you can't find an element using the component name, use the attribute data-testid
    • Example: cy.get('table[data-testid="your-data-testid"]')
  • Use describe to group tests with similar aspects
    • For example structure, behavior, callbacks, etc
    • One or two words are enough to describe the concept being tested
  • Use it as the test executable but don't use the test keyword
    • Generally a short sentence to describe the expected result of an assertion



Cypress.config("baseUrl", `${Cypress.config().baseUrl}NewTable`);
describe("NewTable", () => {
it("should be able to select rows", () => {
const selector = 'table[data-testid="newtable-selectable"]';

How to run Cypress locally

Cypress tests run against the Expose, so, we must run Expose:

yarn start:expose

Assuming you are running Expose on port 3000, you'll open a second terminal window to run Cypress:

yarn e2e:local

If you want to run Cypress against a different port, you can modify using:

yarn e2e --config baseUrl="http://localhost:<your-port>/"

The Cypress screen will present you some choices:

Choose testing

Choose E2E testing

Choose browser

Take your pick


Choose what to test

Cypress tests are live. If an errors occur, cypress will show where the problem is. It can also automatically re-run tests if you leave it open and modify a component's code. However, this doesn't work with samples are samples need to be scraped so Expose must be restarted.

Note: sometimes tests ran in CircleCI yield different results as CircleCI is running tests in "production" mode

Visual Regression

We use BackstopJS to collect sample snapshots from our internal testing environment, Exposé. The goal is to cover as many visual variants in each component as possible through atomic sampling allowing us to check for cascading visual effects.


CircleCI runs Backstop in every ink PR and it's mandatory that Backstop is passing before a merge

When to write visual regression tests

  • When a component has visually changed in any way
  • To test visual interactions such as opening dropdowns, clicking buttons, selecting checkboxes, etc

We are predominantly looking for unexpected changes to the visuals

Best practices

There are only two ways to generate a snapshot;

Naming test scenarios

Names of each scenario must be unique!

Note: Exposé sample snippets and backstop scenarios (added via .backstop.json) don't conflict as they are namespaced to their respective environment

Our custom schema

We use a custom schema to make matching our Exposé sample snippets easy. A script is ran in the background to convert it to Backstop's format.

  • sampleName: references the exact sample name in the samples.js file.
  • state: indicates the state of the sample
  • selectors: required only if it's not the sample name, such as 'viewport'


Let's say our NewTable component has 2 samples, "Base NewTable" and "NewTable with twiddle rows"


group: "NewTable",
name: "Base NewTable",
environments: ["expose"],
code: `<NewTable/>`,
group: "NewTable",
name: "NewTable with twiddle rows",
environments: ["expose"],
code: `<NewTable/>`,
This produces 2 snapshots by default

However, this only snapshots the initial state.

If we want to snapshot additional visual checks for the scenario "NewTable with twiddle rows", we need to add them as follows:


// The original sample is named "NewTable with twiddle rows" and
// we're testing the visual when a single is expanded row
"sampleName": "NewTable with twiddle rows"
"state": "Single row expanded",
"clickSelector": "#twiddle-table tbody > tr"
// The original sample is also "NewTable with twiddle rows" but this time
// we're checking the visual when all rows are expanded
"sampleName": "NewTable with twiddle rows"
"state": "All rows expanded",
"clickSelector": "button[data-testid='expand-all']"
With these additional 2 additional scenarios, we now have 4 snapshots in total

Unfortunately this task isn't automated so if you update a sample name, you must also update the corresponding backstop scenario names.


Similar to how we can set different environments[] in each sample snippet, we use the key breakpoints[] to include snapshots at various screen sizes.

By default, we snapshot at the desktop size. Additional options include:

breakpoints: ['mobile', 'tablet-portrait', 'tablet-landscape', 'desktop-large', 'ultra-wide'],

Technical note: Backstop uses viewports but to align ourselves between sample snippets and additional scenarios, breakpoints is used in both places


We know that Autograph's "Sign here" flag hides itself in mobile only, so we will add a snapshot to each breakpoint available to ensure that's the case:


group: "Autograph",
name: "Default Autograph",
environments: ["expose"],
breakpoints: ["mobile", "tablet-portrait", "tablet-landscape", "desktop-large"],
code: `<Autograph preventAutoFocus name="Tagg Palmer" id="autograph-default" />`,
1 (desktop) by default + 4 breakpoints = 5 total snapshots for this single sample

Skipping sample snapshots

There are only two reasons to use a skip:

  • The test is flaky
    • with skipFlakyBackstop: true
    • If this flag is used, add a comment with context and links if applicable. File a Jira ticket so we can circle back to fix the regression test.
  • The initial testing state is irrelevant
    • with skipInitialBackstop: true


We usually need a trigger to open a component like Modal. We don't need to screenshot the trigger itself (in this case a Button), so we can skip the initial state:


group: "Modal",
name: "Base Modal",
skipInitialBackstop: true,
environments: ["expose"],
code: `() => {
const [isOpen, setOpen] = React.useState(false);
return (
<Button onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>Open Modal</Button>
{isOpen && <Modal />}
Results in 0 snapshots so far


sampleName: "Base Modal",
clickSelector: "button",
// Instead the sample itself, we want the whole screen so we must add:
selectors: ["viewport"],
Total of 1 screenshot

Scenario options

Here are a few options we commonly use:

sampleName: "Component with dropdown",
state: "active",
// Perform one or more clicks before capturing the snapshot
clickSelectors: ["#button1", "#button2"],
sampleName: "Component with buttons",
// Scrolls to the given selector before taking the snapshot
scrollToSelector: "#component-with-buttons",
sampleName: "Component that hovers",
state: "hover",
// A snapshot of the hover state can be captured by a snapshot
hoverSelectors: ["#button1", "#button2"],

See Backstop's documentation for all available options

Consistent capture

We want our snapshots to be consistent which means we have to simulate the test to hold the given state (e.g. hover, active, focus) on capture. Sometimes this requires modification to ignore focus rings or animation delays in order to not produce flaky tests.

  • Appending an outside selector at the end of clickSelectors[] to prevent focus rings. For example, all samples display a useWindowWidth() value in Expose. This is currently a small element which we double as a way to click outside the sample.
  • A scrollToSelector selector might be needed when used with viewport snapshots to consistently snapshot the sample at the same position on a given page
  • Add a postInteractionWait (can be a selector or a time in milliseconds, none by default) to delay capture if a component requires multiple clicks or an animation to complete
  • Add a delay (none by default) as a last resort

Custom Exposé page

We have a few custom exposes to help capture design issues spanning across multiple components such as the Disabled to prevent color inconsistently. To add backstop scenarios, we must first add the Expose manually before adding a corresponding backstop file.


  1. Create DisabledExpose.tsx and add to src/Expose/extra-exposes
  2. Add Disabled: [] to the samples object in src/Expose/helpers/getSamples.ts,
  3. Add the route <Route exact path="/Disabled" component={DisabledExpose} /> to src/Expose/Expose.tsx
  4. Create Disabled.backstop.json and add to src/Expose/backstop-references before adding scenarios as normal

How to run Backstop locally

⚠️ Although the idea of Backstop is to test against a reference, we can run a singular copy for sanity checks such as naming issues. The local snapshot doesn't produce the same capture as the one ran in CI.

(No comparison) Snapshot for debugging purposes

Must be running Expose first

yarn start:expose

(Optional, in a separate terminal window) To skip rebuilding each time there are sample changes:

yarn scrape watch

In a separate terminal window, run backstop (with desired flags)

yarn backstop:test:local

(Comparison) Test against local master as a reference

The reference can actually be any branch but using master as the example:

// This command builds the Exposé for master and serves it at localhost:8000
yarn expose:build && yarn expose:serve
// Create reference snapshots
yarn backstop:reference

After all reference snapshots are created, you can stop the Exposé and switch to the branch you need to compare:

git checkout your_branch_name
// This command will start Exposé again but on your_branch_name this time
yarn expose:build && yarn expose:serve
// Run against the master references we created earlier
yarn backstop:test

Running selective tests with --filter

Only needs a partial match against the filename which contains:

  • Component name
  • Kebab case of the sample's name (or sampleName)
  • viewports values
  • Expose samples (query -expose)
  • Backstop scenarios (query -backstop)


(using local)

// To query all snapshots from NewTable:
yarn backstop:test:local --filter=newtable
// Run a specific sample named "NewTable with buttons":
yarn backstop:test:local --filter=newtable-with-buttons
// Run all Exposé samples for Alert:
yarn backstop:test:local --filter=alert-expose
// Run all Backstop scenarios:
yarn backstop:test:local --filter=backstop
// Any sample that includes (z-index)
yarn backstop:test:local --filter=z-index

Failing tests

Valid failing tests:

  • New samples because there was no prior reference
  • Modifications to a sample's name will generate a new filename (this is used to make snapshots unique)

Always check the report (local or on CI) and review each failing test. If you don't know why something are failing, ask for help.

Example of failing a Backstop suite:

Backstop failing

Example of a misspelled selector will bring up a badger:

Backstop error

Approving failing Backstop in the CI

If tests are failing due to intentional changes, you must approve the whole suite (to be used as the next reference) before merging, in your local terminal on your branch locally:

⚠️ Important! Never merge a failing test without checking

yarn backstop approve <FAILING_REPORT_URL_FROM_CI>
# Example url: https://output.circle-artifacts.com/output/job/74206be8-1b50-418b-92d9-36e8c2dbdf37/artifacts/0/backstop_data/html_report/index.html
# Using the above, it would look like this:
yarn backstop approve https://output.circle-artifacts.com/output/job/74206be8-1b50-418b-92d9-36e8c2dbdf37/artifacts/0/backstop_data/html_report/index.html

This generates a commit automatically and you will have to push it up to your branch for Backstop to rerun. It should pass the check. If it doesn't, there's probably a flaky test.

Courtesy queue

⚠️ It's best to check Slack to see if there's currently a merge going on at #ink-backstop

Backstop flakes were more common before but why not avoid having to re-approve backstop if someone merges a second before you (only applies if their branch updates the Backstop reference).

Sometimes we have have multiple branches that all need a Backstop approval so to avoid merging traffic, send a message with claim_backstop where a bot will declare your intentions. Once the PR is merged, use unclaim_backstop to let others know they can proceed with approving their branch's Backstop.

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